Trawl Explorer
Marport’s Trawl Explorer is your eye on the fishing gear. This sounder can be placed on your trawl head rope or tunnel in order to send useful information to the wheelhouse. On the latest version of Trawl Explorer, the echogram displays target strength values that helps you to identify fish.

Seine Explorer
The Seine sensor is mounted on the lead line of a purse seine in a robust protective steel framed housing. It relays data back to the wheelhouse from the moment the purse seine is shot away and during the fishing operation. It has an omnidirectional up-link signal, which ensures that there is no loss of signal during the fishing operation.

Net Fill Sensor
Marport's catch sensors tell you when your trawl starts to fill. Placed on the top of the trawl codend, they monitor the amount of catch that you have and warn you when the trawl is full. you can monitor the contents of the codend as you are fishing, avoid problems of overfilling and increase fish survival rate inside the trawl net.

Speed Explorer
The Trawl Speed sensor can be placed on the head rope. It measures water flow in two axis: the flow along the direction of the trawl and across it. You can control if the trawl is moving at the right speed and with the right geometry. It measures along speed up to 6 knots and cross currents speed up to 3 knots.

Spread Sensor
Spread Sensors are placed on starboard and port doors and clump in order to monitor the spread of your trawl doors. They communicate with each other via an acoustic link. The Master sensor on the port door communicates with the Starboard and Clump sensors, then sends distance data to the vessel. Sensors also monitor pitch and roll, water temperature and depth. This gives you a full picture of each door's performance.